Tuesday, August 30, 2011

do you miss me yet?

Recently I have found myself in much higher demand with everyone back home. I guess everyone is just now realizing how cool I am.... or there is a chance it could be because I moved away from everybody- but probably not. Anyway, I figured what better time to start a blog than in the prime of my popularity?

First of all, I would like to make a shout out to Joanna for putting this blog together for me and making it look so good. It is pretty much magnificent and a bazillion times better than anything I could have attempted. Muchas gracias, Joanna.

Next, I just want to note that though I like it here at BYU, my roots will always be in the South. It's not that Utah isn't great, it's just that the South is pretty impossible to beat.

Okay so here are some discoveries I have made since I have been here. I know it hasn't been long but nevertheless, I have been making discoveries...

  • I find myself much more dedicated to taking vitamins. probably too dedicated... there have been a couple instances where I take them multiple times in a day because I forget I have already taken them..this might also have something to do with the fact that they are fruit flavored gummy vitamins...hopefully you cant overdose on gummy vitamins. But whatever, the damage is done
  • It is close to impossible to get my hands on some caffeine around here. It's not like I drink caffeine all the time but on occasion I just need a nice cold Dr. Pepper to give me that extra little boost.
  • I have realized how much I value being able to talk casually with someone. It seems like the majority of the conversations I have with people here feel forced and kind of insincere. I guess I'm just so used to being surrounded by people I already share a lot of memories and experiences with. It makes me really appreciate the people I can relax and just talk to around here. I'm sure I will get more comfortable the longer I'm here. It is just kind of strange right now.
  • On that same note, some people have NO problem getting comfortable with each other...in the less than a week I have been here I have already seen multiple freshman couples and I wonder, "did you know each other before? or are you just that overzealous?" it is pretty funny
  • Also nights begin a lot later in college. I'm having some trouble adjusting to this one, as you all know I have always had a pretty early internal bedtime. But I will adjust.

Well that's all I can think of right now. later players.


Rick said...

Yay Hanky!! I'm so glad to see you are enjoying your time so far...all your little discoveries! I can't wait to hear more.

Jill said...

HAHAHAH sooo funny! you're the funniest. thank you for making me laugh.

CAUTION: YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON GUMMY VITAMINS. no, no real physical damage will be done... but emotional damage may increase and your newly found popularity may decrease--only liquid could leave your body. and i don't mean pee. (too much for a blog comment?)

also, hannnnnnah. i can totally relate--i hope you find people soon that you can just be comfortable around. you should just try to be comfortable around everyone. it is hard, but it can prove to be very fun and entertaining.

Joanna Galbraith said...

HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! Keep up the posting! I love it!

Post every day and tell us EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!